About Us

(about me, actually!)

Aloe Health's founder, Pao-Yi Tseng in Acupuncture scrubs, specialises in Tung Acupuncture

My name is Pao-Yi Tseng, and I am a licensed Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.) who runs Aloe Health, an acupuncture and wellness clinic in the beautiful city of Vancouver. I have a background as an orthodontist (dentist) in China, and use my western medical training to support my practice. This extensive training in both eastern and western medicine enables me to provide holistic treatment for each patient, leveraging over 10 years of diverse medical education and more than 5 years of clinical experience.

Jade mountain in Taiwan where Master Tung developed his special acupuncture technique

My Acupuncture technique combines traditional acupuncture methods with the renowned 董氏奇穴 Tung Acupuncture style, a technique developed by Master Tung Ching Chang in Taiwan during the mid-20th century. The Tung Acupuncture technique differs from other forms of Acupuncture and is famous for its remarkable efficacy and ability to deliver quick results. It primarily targets points on the hands and feet that are far from the area of pain or discomfort and often requires fewer needles.

Master Tung’s method is taught to very few individuals through a selective mentoring process. I am a fortunate disciple of Dr. Ming Chu Wang, who learned from one of Master Tung’s most trusted students, Dr. Wen Chih Hu of Taiwan. I am thrilled to bring the benefits of Tung Acupuncture to Vancouver and extend an invitation to everyone to try it out!

曾寶儀,註冊針灸師 (R.Ac.) & 註冊中醫師 (R.TCMP),我們的診所 - Aloe Health, 座落於美麗的溫哥華市中心。 告別矯正科醫師頭銜,結合東西方醫學方面的廣泛培訓,憑藉超過10年的多元化醫學背景和超過5年的豐富臨床經驗,使我能夠更好的為患者提供全方位的服務、治療方案跟個性化的建議。

臨床和美容針灸方面,我將傳統針灸與著名的董氏奇穴針灸相結合。董氏奇穴為臺灣董公 景昌於 20 世紀中創新的針灸技術。 董氏奇穴與其他形式的針灸不同,以其顯著的療效和見效快而聞名。 它主要針對手腳上遠離疼痛或不適區域的穴位,並且通常無需下過多的針就能達到所需的療效。

關於董氏奇穴, 我有幸師承台灣董氏針灸泰斗胡脈(胡文智) - 王明珠博士(董氏第二代弟子),並拜師入門成為第三代弟子,非常榮幸能將董氏針灸帶到美麗的溫哥華,造福更多需要幫助的人!





美國自然醫學協會的榮譽會員,並獲得台灣董師針灸技術的專業培訓證書。 提供的服務包括美容針灸、臨床針灸、艾灸、按摩按摩、刮痧、火罐、拔罐,以及董氏放血。

我來自中醫世家:父親和弟弟都是中醫師,從小就沉浸在父母經營的中醫診所, 骨子裡流淌著中醫各種理論和助人為樂的信念。我將盡心盡力利用醫療培訓和經驗, 為每位患者提供整體治療方案。 在移居加拿大之前,於北京大學口腔醫學院獲得了醫學學士和正畸碩士學位。 並於課餘時間選修於北京中醫藥大學取得針灸文憑。 我精通英語、普通話、粵語和閩南語, 歡迎在諮詢或治療用以上的語言跟我交流!

Our Collaborators

We share a workspace with a fantastic team of practitioners!